Star Wars: Episode IX - The Knights Rise TEASER TRAILER - Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver (concept)

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  1. Just freakin horrible!
    I thought the trailer hit until I watched this garbage!
    Unfollowing first order news now!

  2. Yeah. Gonna pass. The only way Disney could have salvaged this golden goose is if they did a complete reboot of the last was a all just a bad force vision...and Luke was really the most badass Jedi ever, and not a crazy hermit, and what’s her face didn’t just obtain mad Jedi skills, etc etc etc. It just pains me to pay attention to this cultural massacre. Disney - Epic failure. I mean if your goal was to be #1 at destroying a gold mine and iconic franchise, ain’t no one coming close to you. Dang. Destroy like a boss you did.

  3. Luke was barely a Jedi, where knights and masters before him were much more polished and disciplined in the ways of the force. The only thing that made him stand out was his Skywalker lineage. Fans who were disappointed belonged to the Skywalker legacy. Star Wars is much more than any one legend.
    Luke to you may be the most badass Jedi, but he wasn’t the most polished. Personally I’d say Yoda or Obi Wan are miles ahead of him in capability, both in the ways of the force and lightsaber combat.
    Sorry, but I had to bust that myth.
