Star Wars: The Last Jedi Early Screening First 2 Minutes Revealed

Star Wars Leaked Footage

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  1. I am not convinced by the font but the style of writing effectively emulates that of original films.

  2. Still very puzzling...and piques your interest into wanting to know.more.hmmm....still leaves me wondering....

  3. Why is the LucasFilm logo shaking? I say it's a fake!

  4. A wipe that early does not sit right

  5. I agree with Thomas, the font style is just not there. Has to be a fake.

  6. This is a fraud. It’s “Ahch-to” not “Ahch’to”.
    These fakers used an apostrophe and not a dash. No chance Lucasfilm blows that.

  7. Why would they add fanfare to the Lucasfilm logo?

    1. Exactly.
      I think the digital re-releases of Episodes 1-6 included a fanfare, but neither TFA or Rogue One had it.
      It also lacks the word "decimated" and uses music from Return of the Jedi and A New Hope, with an obvious cut between them.

  8. GTFOH, nice try tho, see ya in 3 weeks!

  9. fake just listen to the music and how the fonts suddenly disappear

  10. go to the youtube page. even the description says its a fake

  11. LOL - so fake!!!! Use the music from Return of the Jedi for starters.

  12. Fake. The main Star Wars logo stays visible too long and I agree with the comments that the font isn't right. Although I would believe that it's a mock-up based on the real scroll that might have leaked.

  13. Fake. A couple of "caps" and other clues that give it away.

  14. TFA and Rogue One did not have music over the Lucasfilm logo. I expect TLJ to be the same.
    The text is not yellow enough, has pixelated edges, doesn't have enough capitalised words, crawls too slowly, disappears too suddenly, and is poorly written (and also lacks the word "decimated"). The music is also recycled from previous movies ("Main Title and Approaching the Death Star" from Return of the Jedi and "Tales of a Jedi Knight/Learn About the Force" from A New Hope), with an obvious cut between the two during the scene transition wipe.

    This is as fake as you can get.

  15. Can we just say it's a fake for all listed reasons and because it is telling us what happened at the end of the force awakens. Usually there are lead ins that don't just retell what happened in the end of the previous movie.
